HELP TO BUY Secure your AGITO with only a 10% deposit! One thing we are hearing is that once the lockdowns are lifted and it’s safe for productions to start up again, there will be a huge demand for new content. We also know that for facility providers, now…
Apr 2020
Jun 2019
TRADE UP FROM YOUR OLD M-SERIES TO A BRAND NEW AGITO Save up to 20% by trading in your old M-Series (formerly known as the Mantis) We are now offering your full purchase price for the M-Series chassis & V-Con when you buy an AGITO Sports modular dolly system…
Sep 2018
To mark the upcoming release of the M-Pro, we will be relaunching our much-loved Mantis range as the M-Series. The M-Series brings all ranges under one umbrella, whilst offering an exciting new upgrade plan for our existing customers. The range will include the M-Studio, great for slower speeds associated with…